Aer Lingus TATL

Aer Lingus puts Manchester Trans-Atlantic on sale.

Starting 29th July, Aer Lingus adds 3 non-stop trans-Atlantic routes from Manchester, in the form of Barbados, New York and Orlando:


EI31 MAN 1100 BGI 1635 We/Fr/Su

EI30 BGI 1940 MAN 0810 We/Fr/Su

Starts 23rd Oct on A330-300

New York JFK:

EI45 MAN 1205 JFK 1525 Daily

EI44 JFK 1725 MAN 0550 Daily

Starts 29th July on A321N


EI35 MAN 1100 MCO 1545 Daily

EI34 MCO 1900 MAN 0835 Daily

Starts 29th July on A330-300. Drops to 4 weekly from 23rd Oct to allow 3 weekly BGI. 


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