Christmas message

Christmas message

Given twitter has a limited number of characters, I thought I’d write a Christmas message here in a blog post instead.

Well, what a year 2020 has been, and I’m sure it’s a year many would like to forget. To say it has been challenging would be an understatement.

If this year, you have had to leave your job, both voluntarily or compulsory, I hope 2021 brings you the chance to get back in Employment if not already done so.

If this year, you have lost a close friend or relative, both covid and non covid related, I hope 2021 brings you the chance to rebuild, remember and begin the healing process for you.

If this year, it’s meant little travel opportunity, not seeing friends or family, or just feeling isolated, let 2021 be the year of exploration, discovery and reconnecting.

Thank you so much for following this account. I know it’s not been a normal year, I know my tweets go a little off piste occasionally, and I know the news has probably been a little more negative than we would like. But thank you for bearing with me. I’m aiming to be more positive in 2021, and less emphasis on the political aspect of what’s going on, but at the same time, when you can see the industry we love being decimated before our eyes, it’s very hard not to be political. But as said, 2021, I’ll try and keep that to a minimum. So, apologies if some tweets haven’t been t your taste, but hopefully 2021 will be back on track!

But for now, have a merry Christmas, happy holidays and a happy new year. It may seem a bit messed up now, but things will get better. It may take time, but they will get better.


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