Proposed changes

Hi Guys,

This isn’t the usual blog post that contains airline news, but instead, a few thoughts of how I can shape this account for the better, to future proof the page and appeal to a broader audience. I’ve had to detail them here as 250 words in a tweet isn’t quite enough to explain the thought process. Hopefully it doesn’t come across as pompous or a feel of self importance, more, an explination as to why I’ve changed the theme.

So, firstly, my account has been primarily focused on Manchester Airport up until now. This is because I have access to good sources and thus able to bring the news, quite often, before it breaks into the mainstream. This account has reached 3200 followers based on this specific area of news, and I do honestly thank every single one of you that follow, as this is just a ‘hobby’ account that isn’t monetised in any way and that 3200 of you just listen to me ramble on about one specific airport is really humbling. So, once again, thank you.

Recently, the Covid situation has meant that not only has there been less news to report, but, with a lot of time on my hands, has also meant that I’ve started straying outside the ‘Manchester Airport specific’ remit and started tweeting more about travel, general thoughts and other aspects of aviation. Some people have already messaged and commented about the straying off subject, so, if it’s become noticeable, maybe it is time to change. Some of you like that I cover a broader topic, some of you don’t, and I respect both opinions.

Do I include more U.K. airport news? Do I give more travel emphasis? Do I make this account more personal? One thing that has happened thanks to straying outside of the Manchester remit, I have a lot more interaction. It’s one thing building the follower count, it’s another to see people actually engaging with the tweets, it adds a new dimension, and being a rather socialable soul, it also brings a sense of meaning to me that there is ‘life behind the likes’ so to speak.

So, the future.

My twitter account has a new name and a new purpose. I will still bring the Manchester Airport specific news as I always have done, and will continue to appreciate those followers who came for that news. It’s still a hobby account, and still completely in-monetised but now, will have a broader travel subject range. However, The blog posts will still reference ‘Manchester Airport news and rumours’. This is purely because if I change the name of the blog, all the past links on Twitter become broken and thus, inaccessible, and I still want these posts here for historical reference.

For now, for those of you who made it this far down the rather long blog, thank you so much for your continued support and look forward to bringing you even more content, and content that can be engaged with too. It’s still a learning process however, so, if you feel it isn’t quite working, feel free to let me know, I’m always open to feedback.


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